We work closely with a range of charitable organizations and do everything within our power to ensure the money we raise supports the young people in this country that need us most.
Last year, we funded 26 deserving charities that provide essential services and assistance to children in need. Through this funding, we provide access to quality inclusive services for children with disabilities such as Down Syndrome as well as early childhood development and interventions for children on the autism spectrum.
We help to ensure better protection of children from violence, abuse, and neglect. And we support children and young affected by disadvantages such as poverty, cancer, mental or physical illnesses, exploitation, and trauma.
In Bosnia and Herzegovina as in many countries, there are children living with trauma, abuse, illness, and neglect. For many, childhood is a daily battle, with nowhere to turn.
You can change this. And together we can change lives. We all have the power to transform a life. By donating today, you will be giving young people hope and a reason to believe in a brighter future!
The beneficiaries of funds raised at the 2023 Bazaar are
∙ The Association of Bosnian Doctors for Persons with Disabilities (“Bosanski doktori za osobe sa invaliditetom” – throughout BiH) provides support to persons with severe disabilities through personal assistance services: 22.000 BAM
∙ Children’s Centre Gnijezdo (“Udruženje građanki Grahovo”- Bosansko Grahovo) is an extracurricular program that helps children from vulnerable families, providing them with active assistance in learning and socialization: 14.000 BAM
∙ Franciscan International Student Centre (“Kruh Sv. Ante” – throughout BiH) provides scholarships to socially and financially disadvantaged university students from all over Bosnia and Herzegovina: 12.000 BAM
∙ New Path (“Novi Put” – Mostar area) combats child trafficking, contemporary slavery, domestic violence, child pornography and pedophilia: 15.000 BAM
∙ EMMAUS International Solidarity Forum (Klokotnica-Doboj Istok) helps children with disabilities and from vulnerable categories of society on their path to independence: 13.000 BAM
∙ Angelus, the Association for Parents of Children with Special Needs (Domaljevac Šamac) works with children with special needs and from challenged families who have developmental difficulties, helping to ensure an equal position in society: 12.000 BAM
∙ Heart for Children with Cancer (“Srce za djecu oboljelu od raka“ – throughout BiH) provides support for children with cancer and their families, including wigs for hair loss: 10.000 BAM
∙ Los Rosales Centre for Children and Youth with Special Needs (Mostar) works with children and youth with developmental difficulties to achieve the highest possible degree of independence: 10.000 BAM
∙ Give Us a Chance (“Dajte nam šansu” – Sarajevo) provides health and psychological services for children and young people with developmental disabilities and their families: 11.000 BAM
∙ Future – Association for Support of Children and Parents (“Budućnost” – Sarajevo) creates better living conditions for children on the autism spectrum – 11.000 BAM
∙ Education Builds BiH – Jovan Divjak (“Obrazovanje gradi Bosnu i Hercegvinu – Jovan Divjak” – throughout BiH) enables materially endangered young people to complete their high school and university education: 10.000 BAM
∙ A Different World (“Drugačiji svijet“ – Bijeljina) supports children with autism and disabilities and their families through educational workshops with professional staff: 10.000 BAM
∙ The Grace Valley Centre (“Pomirenje” – Zenica) is a residential and day-care centre mainly for Roma children: 9.000 BAM
∙ Make Someone Happy Association (“Obraduj nekoga” – Bratunac, Srebrenica) helps socially disadvantaged babies and children by providing meals, diapers, and clothing: 8.000 BAM
∙ Friendly Home (“Prijateljska kuća” – Doboj) provides a family home for children without parents, and supports many projects in the surrounding area to improve the lives of children in general: 10.000 BAM
∙ Lotos, Mental Health Protection (Zenica) provides psychological support to children and young people with disabilities as well as to their parents and guardians: 7.000 BAM
∙ PIPOL Association (Tuzla) supports the treatment, recovery, rehabilitation, and resocialization of children and young people with cancer and their families: 7.000 BAM
∙ Let’s Grow Together, the Centre for Children with Special Needs (“Rastimo zajedno” – Gacko) provides individual and group treatments to help children with disabilities integrate into society: 10.000 BAM
∙ Little School (“Mala škola” – Vareš) cares for children without parents or adequate parental care, regardless of their religious and ethnic affiliation: 7.000 BAM
∙ Good Deed (“Dobro djelo” – Sarajevo) organizes workshops (using neurofeedback therapists) for children with developmental difficulties and of poor financial status: 7.000 BAM
∙ Humanitarna Organizacija Alfa (Bihać) improves the material position of children, young people and families of the Roma community in Bihać so that they can live without poverty in a world of equality: 10.000 BAM
∙ Association for Helping Children and Youth with Special Needs “Tračak nade“ (Upper Drina region), procures auxiliary equipment used in treatments with children and youth with developmental disabilities: 7.000 BAM
∙ DTCare Sarajevo (Mount Vlašić) organizes summer camps aiming at empowering young women from disadvantaged families, marginalized groups or victims of abuse: 5.500 BAM
∙ “Savez Slijepih Republike Srpske” – (Banja Luka) helps blind and partially sighted children to acquire the basic skills to learn braille: 7.500 BAM
∙ Association of parents of children with developmental disabilities “Mala Sirena” (Udruzenje roditelja djece sa proteskocama u razvoju „Mala sirena“ – Zavidovići) to provide social and educational opportunities at their youth center: 7.000 BAM
∙ Down Sy and Me (Banja Luka) provides speech therapy support for children with Down syndrome: 18.000 BAM.
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